Benefits of leasing a Xerox copier for your small business

 Owning a copier can be a financial burden for small businesses or even start-ups. The initial cost of buying and setting up the machine itself could stretch your operational budget, setting aside the maintenance cost.

By leasing a copier, you can save money and use it to invest in additional tools and solutions that your employees can benefit from.

The good news is that many companies lease their copier machines to smaller organisations, so it will not be complicated to procure a machine.

Here are some of the many benefits of leasing a copier:
  • Saving initial cost: You don’t have to spend a lot of money to buy the equipment you need. Many leasing agencies don’t even require a down payment, and even if they do ask for it, it is substantial.

  • Maintenance and Upgrades: Due to the rapid rate of technology advancements, machines these days require constant upgrades and maintenance. The machines become out-of-date every few
     years, meaning you will have to buy new ones. By leasing the equipment, that will not be necessary.

  • Tax Benefits: When we buy office equipment, you will be required to pay an Alternative Minimum Tax, while leasing equipment will not.


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