Print from anywhere in the world with the Xerox PrinterKey App


Do you have several printing needs daily, but can’t find the time to do it in the office? The good news is that Xerox has an easy solution. Print by Xerox is a free service that enables you to print from any email-enabled device (for example, your smartphone, tablet, or computer) to a Xerox printer using a single email address.

The Print by Xerox is a part of the Xerox Connect Key suite of apps. It is automatically equipped on all Xerox VersaLink and Altalink  multifunction printers in Dubai, so you can access the app immediately upon purchase of these models.


All you have to do is email your print job to an email id called Then, you have to walk up to your ConnectKey-enabled device and open the Print by Xerox app, and then enter your email id and password. Last, you have to select a particular print job, and press Print to release it. That means you can print your job from anywhere in the world, allowing you remote working opportunities.

Contact CADReprographics LLC to purchase, lease or hire our top Xerox products, including the best printers for home use and press printers in Dubai, at our website  


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